
Tibetan Mastiff Dogs Ear Infections

 Whenever you observe the Tibetan Mastiff dogs shaking and rubbing the skin and its head more than normal you should think about it seriously because it could be the Ear Infection and dogs should be taken to the vet for checkup. Ear infection hit the Tibetan Mastiff dogs more than other dogs because they very softy ears and chances of ear infections increased by scratching or rubbing the skin. Then vet find out the cause and may be recommend the medicine or antibiotics. Ear infection in the Tibetan Mastiff dogs is in many kinds some infections happen inside the ear and some infections occurs outside the ears. Inner infections might be more critical and dangerous as compare to the external infections. Because internal infections directly hit the brain of Tibetan Mastiff dogs and can damage brain tissues. Internal infections can also be the cause of the brain tumor in the Tibetan Mastiff dogs. You have to be suspicious these diseases are the transmittable to different dogs

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1 comment:

  1. I've noticed your blog doesn't have much information, but I learned a lot from what I read here. Indeed, I am a dog owner of Tibetan Mastiff and I saw him always itching his ears. I though it is normal but, when I checked his ears, I saw some spots and fleas. I read your blog because you contains the exact information I'm looking for and I discover the best treatment for this ear infection. See more information please visit this link:
